Saturday 15 August 2015

Little talks

Reminder: No matter where you go, there's always gonna be those people or person that talks about you.

Some people might think that you don't know they are talking about you, when you know they are. Sometimes, the trick is to care less. The more you care the more hurt you'll get and let me tell you this, a lot of people out there are waiting to see you to fall and that is not worth it. It's difficult I know, I've been through it. But after a long term that way, you'll somehow realize that you can't stop everyone for talking cause it's their mouth but one thing you can control is your heart from breaking. 
Actually, the biggest enemy of every person is ourselves. This is why we need to first learn how to control ourselves. :) 

When you get the hang of it, you can tell yourself this: 'I AM A FIGHTER'. When you stop caring of what others got to say, believe me, you'll be a happier person. 

*Good Luck!!! Xoxo

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