Sunday 9 August 2015

Betray, new girl in school

It all started with school. I had a bestfriend that I do all my things with, we knew each other since 2nd grade. We thought we will be bestfriends forever(well I thought) but doom doom doom ended.. This is the typical bullshit backstab story and I have no interest in going deep about because like I said TYPICAL. And I as normal human got mad, sad, disappointed and all. Our friendship that I wanted to maintain went down the drain when I had to move to a different school in 9th grade. In someways it's a blessing, in someways it's horrifying!!!! Gosh I still remember the first day of school I knew exactly nobody in that school and when I say nobody, I mean NOBODY!!!! Obviously being the new girl in school is like "OH SNAP!!!" and making you go "RETREAT! RETREAT!! SOS OVER OVER CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? S.O.S S.O.S!!!!!" It wasn't easy at all! Why? Because when u are the 'NEW KID' people will start checking you out like they are the 'spy' and I am the 'criminal' like what?! Other than that rumors fly about the school and rumors as in total bullshit untrue rumors. So I got talked bad a lot behind my back which I would like to ring a bell here, I AM NOT DEAF I CAN HEAR YOU!!! School was like hell to me, my hell on earth that is.

I used to care a lot but slowly I realize that I can't shut anyone's mouth, I can't make everyone like me. For this it made me a well I wouldn't say happy person but happier than I used to be. I still have people talking about me well I know for sure that no matter what I do, people will talk until the day of my funeral so I kinda don't give a damn anymore. *Special information, if you want to be a happier person, don't care so much about what people have to say about you. The most important one is how you look at yourself. People come in all shapes and sizes. No matter what, everybody is worth the love. Everyone should be proud of themselves. My father in heaven taught me to love my neighbor as he had loved me, to love and forgive. Yes, it is difficult to do so. A lot of people that are reading this must be saying "you must be insane! How can you love your enemies? How can you forgive them?" well my way of forgiving is I don't take revenge on you, I don't destroy you or step you when u are in difficulty I forgive as in I won't talk bad about u and all, but I will walk away from you. In another way of saying it, I don't hurt you and I don't get myself hurt too. So it's a two perfect complete way of solving things.

Until this day, I am now in 10th grade and I still don't understand why I got hated. I am probably not the most friendly person but if u get to know me, you will realize I am at least not fake. I love everyone around me dearly and u can call me selfish now cause I do not want to lose anyone of these people I have now in my life. They might not be the 100% perfect people in the world but they are 101% perfect people in my world, in my life! I might be only 15th(turning 16th in december this year) but I've went through quiet a few things that you guys might not be able to imagine about.

To be continue..... *Love ya'll xoxo*

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