Sunday 9 August 2015


Greetings everyone! I am rewriting my blog starting from now. As from my title, all of you might already know that I am a teenager. I am like all other normal teenagers that wants life happy and fun and playful. But in reality my life is borrriiiiinnnggggg!!!!(well not exactly haha, just being sarcastic). I don't write very well but this blog is gonna tell you all little by little of this teenager's life. Not much of an excitement but still am able to go through my days. I am being occupied by school, family, friends and my boy <3 This blog also has an aim to it. I would like to share my story of my difficult times and help those out there whom are facing the same things that I've went through. I just hope that everyone that reads my blog enjoys it. Well please do support and hope you guys like it! Love ya'll

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